Myra Sengupta
3 min readJul 21, 2023

Most people who love to read books and have not just started recently, know about a classic THE BOOK THIEF. It is a story about a little Jew girl Liesel Meminger who is born in holocaust and is orphaned at the ripe age of 7 or 8. Her love for books is unparalleled and so much so that she steals the book. She enjoys reading almost all genres because her first book itself was The Grave Digger’s Handbook.

And that is not even the best part. Well, being a writer, I have lots of best part of the book moment with this book, but for me, a few highlights of this book were:

1. Story of Liesel Meminger is narrated by Death

2. She steals books — how cool is that! And the only kind of stealing which I think should be legal.

3. When Nazi bombs hit on her street, she and her family are forced to take shelter in Fiedlers’ basement because they’ve been told their basement is not deep enough to protect them from the bombings. So, to block the panic and bomb noises, she reads a book aloud catching everyone’s attention and silencing them. Post that, she is called by neighbors to read books to them and in return she is paid.

And when she reads the stolen, gifted, borrowed book out loud during the bombing, not only people pay attention to her, but they are a little less scared and where minutes feel like hours, their time is passed easily.

This gave me the idea about a job opportunity. Why can’t one read a book out loud to someone and make money? That, according to me, would be one of the best jobs in the world along with being a Panda Doctor, Island Manager, Professional Sleeper and a Lego Sculptor.

Imagine reading your favourite book to someone and creating that beautiful and memorable experience for someone who would come to love books as much as you do. And reading a book out loud is not just about reading, it is also about getting the ideas to write something as well.

Any given day I would love to be called for reading a book. Not only that, on the top of day I would be paid to read a story to them. Of course, it is upon me to make it interesting but I have faith in myself that if I am paid well, I can make anything interesting.

And this job is not even about money. I would like to do this job when I have enough money to go by, when I am retired, and when I wouldn’t need to do anything for the money to come in. The money that I’ll be paid by the listeners will go into buying more books and distributing it to children who’d want to read and write.

So, this is me, putting my wishes out in the universe and manifesting to become a professional book reader to the people who do not want to take books in their hands and read, nor want to opt for technology (audio books). And just want a traditional book reading experience with someone who loves books to the core.

This is me wanting to answer the question of “SO, WHAT IS YOUR DESIGNATION?” with “I AM A PROFESSIONAL BOOK READER”

